+86-571-8627 3270
Jiangsu Zhuxi Activated Carbon Co., Ltd.
46 YRS
Jiangsu, China
CNY 16.8 Million
69930 m²
100-500 people
Main Products: Activated Carbon
Jiangsu, China
Activated Carbon for Electric Power, Petrochemical Refinery, Desulfurization and Denitration
Activated Carbon for Electric Power, Petrochemical Refinery, Desulfurization and Denitration
Activated Carbon for Electric Power, Petrochemical Refinery, Desulfurization and Denitration

Activated Carbon for Electric Power, Petrochemical Refinery, Desulfurization and Denitration / CAS 64365-11-3

ZX-215 particle size ф 1.5mm mesh moisture ≤ 5% pH ≥ 7 ash ≤ 12%
ZX-101 particle size 10-20 mesh moisture ≤ 35% pH4 5-7.5 ash ≤ 5% methylene blue adsorption value ≥ 150 ± 10mg / g
ZX-103 particle size 10-24 mesh moisture ≤ 10% pH ≥ 7 ash ≤ 5% methylene blue adsorption value ≥ 180 ± 10mg / g
Zx-230 particle size ф 3.0mm mesh moisture ≤ 5% pH ≥ 7 ash ≤ 12%
ZX-240 particle size ф 4.0mm mesh moisture ≤ s% pH ≥ 7 ash ≤ 12%
ZX-238 particle size 8-30 mesh moisture ≤ 5% pH ≥ 7 ash ≤ 15%
ZX-210 particle size ф1.0mm mesh moisture ≤ 5% pH ≥ 7
ZX-100 particle size 10-24 mesh moisture ≤ 10% pH ≥ 7 ash ≤ 5% methylene blue adsorption value ≥ 180 ± 10mg / g
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