Uses: Disinfect embalming drugs, for disinfection of wounds and mucous membranes, precipitation separation during plasma protein preparation.
Livanno for α- The lactate hydrate of ethoxy-6,9-diaminoacridine, which is a topical bactericidal preservative, shows strong killing of gram positive as well as a few gram negative bacteria, good antibacterial activity against cocci, especially streptococci, and strong activity under alkaline environment. This product is less irritating and at a therapeutic concentration that does not damage general tissues, but it can stimulate uterine smooth muscle contraction, soften and relax the cervix, so it can be used for induction of labor in women's second trimester pregnancy without significant side effects.
Bright yellow crystalline powder, odorless, bitter taste, slightly soluble in water, easily soluble in hot water, aqueous solution is yellow, on light observation, visible green fluorescence, and aqueous solution is unstable, resistance to light gradients color, difficult to dissolve in ethanol.