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Aluminum Chloride
CAS NO.: 7446-70-0
FOB Price: NEGOTIABLE Get Latest Price
Specification: >98.5%
Lead Time: 14-30 days
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Packing: 25KG/Woven Bag
Product Detail

Aluminium chloride

Molecular weight: 133.34

CAS No.: 7446-70-0

Chemical formula: AlCl₃

Melting point: 194 ℃

Boiling point: 178 ℃ (sublimation)

Density: 2.44 g / cm ³


1. Aluminum chloride is mainly used in Friedel Crafts reaction, for example, anthraquinone is prepared from benzene and phosgene, which is used in dyeing and finishing industry.  

2. In the above reaction of benzene and its derivatives, the main product is para isomer. In contrast, alkylation reaction involves many problems, which is not as widely used as acylation reaction. No matter what kind of reaction, aluminum chloride and other raw materials and instruments must be moderately dry, and a small amount of water is helpful for the reaction.  

3. Aluminum chloride is widely used in organic chemistry.  

4. AlCl3 is also commonly used in hydrocarbon polymerization and isomerization. Important examples include the production of ethylbenzene in industry. Ethylbenzene can be used for further preparation of styrene, polystyrene and Dodecylbenzene as detergent. In the presence of aromatics, the mixture of aluminum chloride and aluminum can be used to synthesize di (aromatic) metal complexes. For example, the metal halide is prepared by Hafner Fischer. Low concentration of basic aluminum chloride is often one of the ingredients of antiperspirants, while the concentration of hyperhidrosis patients will be higher (12% or higher).

5. Used as catalyst for organic synthesis, such as petroleum cracking, synthetic dyes, synthetic rubber, synthetic detergent, perfume, etc.

6. Aluminum phthalocyanine catalyst for the manufacture of organic compounds and organic pigments.

7. Used for metal smelting and lubricating oil synthesis.

8. Food grade products are used as bulking agent, anti discoloration agent such as sake and flocculant of pectin.

9. Used as analytical reagent, preservative and mordant.

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