Synopsis: Sodium propionate is an acid preservative, and its antibacterial effect is affected by pH. The mic was 0.01% at pH5.0 and 0.5% at pH6.5. In acidic medium, it has strong inhibitory effect on all kinds of mold, aerobic Bacillus or Gram-negative bacilli. It is effective to prevent the production of aflatoxin, but almost ineffective to yeast. As a preservative, sodium propionate is mainly used in food, feed and cosmetics. Sodium propionate is used as a masking agent in leather making to improve the alkali resistance and tanning uniformity of leather.
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Sodium propionate is an acid preservative, and its antibacterial effect is affected by pH. The mic was 0.01% at pH5.0 and 0.5% at pH6.5. In acidic medium, it has strong inhibitory effect on all kinds of mold, aerobic Bacillus or Gram-negative bacilli. It is effective to prevent the production of aflatoxin, but almost ineffective to yeast. As a preservative, sodium propionate is mainly used in food, feed and cosmetics. Sodium propionate is used as a masking agent in leather making to improve the alkali resistance and tanning uniformity of leather.