1、 Introduction
Inositol is widely distributed throughout animals and plants and is a growth factor for animals and microorganisms. Very early isolated from cardiac muscle and liver. Myo inositol is a substance widely found in foods and is structurally similar to glucose. In animal cells, it is mainly presented in the form of phospholipids, sometimes referred to as inositol phospholipids. Myo inositol is widely distributed in animals and plants and is a growth factor for animals and microorganisms
2、 Traits
White fine crystals or crystalline powder. Odourless, sweet. MP 224-227 ° C. Relative density 1.752, 1.542 (dihydrate). Stable in air and stable against heat, strong acids, and bases.
3、 Uses: nutrient supplements. May be used in infant foods, beverages, fruit juice (fruity) - type beverages.