+86-571-8627 3270
Do-Fluoride Chemicals Co.,Ltd.
25 YRS
Henan, China
CNY 766.1 Million
2997000 m²
Over 1000 people
Main Products: Sodium Fluoride / Aluminum Fluoride / Sodium Hexafluorosilicate / Potassium Fluoroaluminate / Lithium Hexafluoroposphate / Hydrogen Fluoride
Henan, China
Do-Fluoride Chemicals Co., Ltd. (Hereinafter called "DFD") was established in December 1999. DFD is a new high-tech enterprise whose business scope mainly includes research and development, production and sale of high-performance Inorganic fluoride salts, electronic grade chemicals, lithium-ion battery materials, and new energy automobiles. Besides, it is the first listed company in the inorganic fluoride chemical industry in China. DFD develops the innovation route of "Technology Patentability, Patent Standardization, and Standard Internationalization". DFD has one project of the National 863 Plan, two projects of the National Torch Plan, one project of the National Plan of Invigorating Trade by Technology, and three projects of the National Key New Product Plan. What is more, DFD has ten special projects in terms of Model Project of National Hi-Tech Industrialization and Strategic New Industry. DFD has declared 228 national patents, with 159 patents authorized. DFD is in charge of formulating and revising more than 50 national standards and industry standards. By active participation in the formulation of international standards, DFD has become the convening unit for the international ISO/TC 226 fluoride salt workgroup. DFD built the first laboratory for the inorganic fluoride chemical industry which has been accredited by the China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment, in which national standard samples such as synthetic cryolite, aluminum fluoride, etc. are developed. Furthermore, DFD is the convening unit for the fluoride salt workgroup of an inorganic branch of the National Standardization Technical Committee of Chemical, and the designated developing unit for the national nonferrous metal standard samples. DFD has nation-accredited cooperation Science & Technology Center, a nation-accredited laboratory, a provincial fluorine-containing fine chemicals engineering laboratory, a provincial inorganic fluoride chemical engineering technology research center, and provincial postdoctoral research and development base. It is entitled to national high-tech enterprise, national innovative pilot enterprise, national technology innovation demonstration enterprise, and top-one-hundred private enterprise of China's petroleum and chemical industry. In the past decade or so, depending on self-innovation, DFD has developed and possessed the production technology at the world’s advanced level of anhydrous aluminum fluoride and lithium hexafluorophosphate. It is the only corporation that possesses the industrialized technology of producing synthetic cryolite by sodium fluosilicate method and co-producing high-quality silica white, the leader of anhydrous aluminum fluoride production technology, and the international corporate champion of crystal. lithium hexafluorophosphate. The sale volume of synthetic cyolite has been in the first place for 12 years throughout the world and anhydrous aluminum fluoride for 6 years. In 2014, lithium hexafluorophosphate took up more market share than Japanese competitors and reached the top in terms of sale volume in the world. Recently, by the advanced fluoride chemical technology and fluoride resource advantage, DFD accelerates the pace of the development of new energy lithium-ion batteries. Based on the breakthrough of foreign monopolized technology of producing lithium hexafluorophosphate, DFD realizes the industrialization of raw material of lithium-ion batteries. Furthermore, DFD also develops the core materials such as electrolyte, cathode material, diaphragm, etc., so that the self-production is achieved of power lithium-ion battery.
Basic Information
Tax ID
Henan, China
Year Established
Registered Capital
CNY 766.1 Million
Business Type
Total Employees
Over 1000 people
Quality Management Certificate
Total Annual Revenue
Enterprise Ownership
Is This Your Own Factory
Summary Up
It is the first listed company in the inorganic fluoride chemical industry in China
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